Kallenbach, Ulla, 2022, En verden af forestillinger: Skuespil & Illusion, Kronstork.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2018, The Theatre of Imagining: A Cultural History of Imagination in the Mind and on the Stage, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2023, ‘Harold Pinter’s Old Times and the Play of Indistinction: The Confluence of Memory, Imagination and the Real’,
Orbis Litterarum, Vol. 78, issue 2
Kallenbach, Ulla & Anna Lawaetz, 2022, ‘Svend Borberg: mellemkrigstidens fortrængte dramatiker’, Nordica vol. 39, 251-285
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anna Lawaetz, 2022, ‘Svend Borberg: Punktummet, der ikke blev sat. Uopdagede værker fra en dramatiker med europæisk udsyn’ , Peripeti, 19, Special edition, 24-39.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2020, ‘The ethics of imagining and the dramaturgy of spectatorship’, Performing ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance, 10, no. 1, 41-55.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Annelis Kuhlmann, 2018, ‘Towards a Spectatorial Approach to Drama Analysis’, Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, 16-33.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2018, ‘Feigning History: the early modern imagination and the theatre’, Ulla Kallenbach & Sofie Kluge eds., Staging History. Historical drama theme issue of Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies, vol. 13, 1-19.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2018 ‘“Beautiful dream” or “loathsome delusion”: Imagination and ideality in 19th century Denmark’, European Romantic Review, vol. 29, no. 1, 51-61.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2014, ‘The Disenchantment of the Wonderful – A Doll’s House and the Idealist Imagination’ Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, 72-83.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, Sofie Kluge & Rasmus Vangshardt (eds.), 2021, Det historiske blik, Aarhus University Press.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anna Lawaetz (eds.), 2016, stage/page/play: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Theatre and Theatricality, Multivers Academic.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2021, ‘Fantasiens flow og kreativitetens kaos: om styring og ustyrlighed i en teaterproces’, Toft, Herdis & Karin Esmann Knudsen (eds.),
Leg og Litteratur, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 221-236.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2021, ‘Demaskeringen af idealismen: Dramaturgi og historicitet i Et Dukkehjem’, Kallenbach, Ulla, Sofie Kluge & Rasmus Vangshardt (eds.), Det historiske blik, Aarhus University Press, 89-100.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, , Sofie Kluge & Rasmus Vangshardt, 2021, ‘Forord’, Kallenbach, Ulla, Sofie Kluge & Rasmus Vangshardt (eds.), Det historiske blik, Aarhus University Press, 9-15.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2016, ‘Imagination at play’, stage/page/play, Ulla Kallenbach & Anna Lawaetz (eds.), Multivers, 111-123.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2012, ‘Macbeth – The Catastrophe of Regicide and the Crisis of Imagination’, C. Meiner & K. Veel (eds.), The Cultural Life of Catastrophes and Crises, Walter de Gruyter, 193-202.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, Keld Hyldig, Ragnhild Gjefsen, Ellen Gjervan & Siren Leirvåg, 2022, Teatervitenskapelige Studier, Interactivity and audience participation in performing art for children and youth, vol. 6.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, Ragnhild Gjefsen, Ellen Gjervan & Siren Leirvåg, 2021, Teatervitenskapelige Studier, vol. 5.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, Ragnhild Gjefsen, Ellen Gjervan & Siren Leirvåg, 2020, Teatervitenskapelige Studier, vol. 4.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, Sofie Kluge & David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt eds., 2018, Staging History. Theme issue on historical drama in Renæssanceforum, vol. 13.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anneli Saro eds., 2015,Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 27, no. 2: Mapping Theatre.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anneli Saro eds., 2014,Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 26, no. 2: Theatre and Technology
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anneli Saro eds., 2014,Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 26, no. 1: Poetics of Playing
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Sofie Kluge & David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt, 2018, ‘Preface’, Ulla Kallenbach & Sofie Kluge eds., Staging History. Historical drama theme issue of Renæssanceforum, vol. 13, iii-vii.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2017, “I am in blood step’d in so far…” Macbeth, Teatersalen Odeon, Odense Teater, Peripeti
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2017, ’Forestillinger om fantasi’, Carlsbergfondets årsskrift 2017, 76-79
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2017, ’Min arm – min forestilling: Gæstespil af Team Teatret på Edison’, Peripeti,
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2017: ‘Tilfældighedernes spil’, Teater 1, no. 177, 34-37
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2017: ‘Hvem er Hamlet’,Teater 1, no. 177, 20-22
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2016: ‘Kongen og Narren i King Lear’, Teater 1, no. 173, 18.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2016: ‘Dømt til undergang: om den tragiske karakter’, Teater 1, no. 173, 15-17.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anneli Saro, 2015: ‘Introduction: Mapping Theatre’, Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 27, no. 2: Mapping Theatre.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2015, ‘Historien om historien på teatret’, Teater 1, no. 170. 30-32.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anneli Saro, 2014: ‘Introduction: Theatre and Techonology’, Nordic Theatre Studies, vol. 26, no. 2: Theatre and Technology, 5-7.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2014, ‘Meningsløs vold?’,Teater 1, no. 167, 54-56.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2014, ‘Fantasi i frit spil’. Teater 1, no. 166, 30-33.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2010, ‘Værk/fantasi/virkelighed: Salò og det interaktive teater’, Kulturo, vol. 16, nr. 31, 79-86.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2008, ’Hvem er Lorca?’, ’Historien bag Blodbryllup’, ’Det sanselige og det surreelle’, ’La Baracca’, Study guide for the Gladsaxe NY Teater production of Blood Wedding.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2008, ’Hvem er Lorca?’, Blodbryllup, Gladsaxe NY Teater theatre programme, 9.
- Kallenbach, Ulla & Anna Lawaetz, 2016, ‘Introduction’, stage/page/play, Ulla Kallenbach & Anna Lawaetz (eds.), Multivers, 111-123.
- Kallenbach, Ulla. 2016, ‘Fantasiens teaterhistorie’ Erik Hvidt & Per Lykke (eds.) Hvad med teaterhistorien?, Dansk Teaterhistorisk Selskab, Multivers.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2014, ‘Imagining Absence: Performance in the Text’, Staged Experiences, Arthur Maria Stein, Ana Penjak & Celia Morgan (eds.), Interdisciplinary Press, 203-211.
- Kallenbach, Ulla, 2009, ‘At se og opleve dansen’, Mosaik, Anna Barner Sarp (ed.), Primabella, 176-180.
- Holm, Bent, 2016, Djævelens billede, Ulla Kallenbach (ed.), Multivers.